Thursday, October 26, 2006

36 week appt

Had my 36 week appt yesterday. Can't believe I am "full term!" I think I have another 5 weeks before Luke makes his appearance though, lol. He just seems so darn content in there.

Had Dr Meinig again. He was great. Maybe it was a fluke that he was such a jerk the first time. Had my GBS test but declined the cervical exam. Dr Meinig signed my updated birth plan and put it in my file.

The baby has been pretty sluggish the past 2 days. It is a stark contrast to 3 days ago when I swore he was about to kick and punch his way out the side of my belly! I asked the Dr about it and he said if I am ever concerned to do a kick count (10 movements in an hour at least). He took his heartrate and it was higher than usual--in the 160s so he must be somewhat active in there. Plus he kicked the Dr as he was measuring me. :) His back is more in the middle now with his feet facing in, so maybe that is why I am not feeling much. He switches positions several times a day though.

Luke is measuring right on track. I gained 2lbs last week--oops! haha. I am up 22lbs. I am starving all day long but food tastes so off to me all of a sudden. Went out to eat last night and everything tasted terrible---either too sour or too salty! I have been drinking lots of red raspberry leaf tea and taking prenatals along with vit C and iron. I am starting my evening primrose oil today. The Dr said it was all harmless but he feels it would not make a difference. Oh well, I will take it just in case. :)

I am feeling better. I have more energy than I did a week ago and my back and pelvis feel pretty good. I am in no hurry to get this baby out even though I am dying to meet him. I have a lot more nesting to do, haha.

Oh and to top off my good appt, someone in the elevator told me I looked like Jennifer Garner! I was positively giddy. Nothing like hearing you look like a cute celebrity when you are feeling bloated and yucky, haha. This is the 3rd time I have heard that during this pregnancy. I have never heard that I looked like her before this pregnancy. So anyway, that made me feel pretty cheery.

All in all, I am doing well! I am able to go shopping and take Nathan places and be pretty much normal. I can't believe I can say that after 5 weeks of so much pain and exhaustion.


Anonymous said...

Coming down to the wire...getting excited....

Anonymous said...

I love hearing all the good news.
