Saturday, November 04, 2006


I had all kinds of plans today to finish up all my errands and organizing to get ready for the baby. My mom and I hit a bunch of stores this morning and got a ton of shopping done. I was hungry so I wanted to stop for Mexican for lunch. I called Mike and told him to go ahead and eat without me because mom and I were grabbing something out. He all of a sudden was insistent that I come home instead! He asked me to bring home something to eat. I was so confused and pissed off to tell you the truth. I am not used to him being so bossy or caring what the heck I do for lunch. I stopped by Wendy's and got 5 orders of chicken nuggets (for all of us) grumbling the whole time that I really wanted enchiladas, haha.

Anyway, I get home and am ready to chew Mike out for being so rude and I open the door to find a surprise baby shower! I was so shocked! It was great to see everyone. There was a ton of food and great decorations. I put the Wendy's out for everyone to share too, lol, as a nugget platter. ;-)

We played baby bingo and everyone guessed how big my belly was by cutting lengths of tape. My 6 year old cousin, Anna, picked perfectly!!! Almost everyone else was way over, haha.

I got a ton of great presents. Everyone was so generous! I got a Triumph carseat, papasan swing, diapers and wipes, nursing pjs, bath stuff, clothes, blankets, personalized bibs and burp cloths, and muchhhh more! I am so excited.

1 comment:

the babies mamma said...

I am so so sorry I wasn't able to make it yesterday - I didn't call b/c I didn't want to ruin the surprise. I will be in NoVa this week (Alex has training for his job and Lakota and I are going to go with him). Can we get together this week?
