Wednesday, June 21, 2006

3rd appt

I just got back from a prenatal appt. It was pretty good. I didn't get to see my normal Dr but that is OK. Got to hear the heartbeat which is always reassuring. The heartrate was 141, but the funny thing is how the baby was kicking and moving around like crazy. I kept hearing "THUMP WHOOOOSH THUMP WHOOOOOSH!" It was a flashback from my pregnancy with Nathan. He would do the same thing.

I declined my triple screen after talking to the Dr. He advised that the u/s would pick up any major defects and if I would decline an amnio anyway, there is no point. I did have blood drawn though because my thyroid was elevated from my last blood test and they wanted to recheck it.

I talked to him about how much I did not want to go to the larger hospital and he said there was about a 5% chance---if I go into labor at night when only one Dr is on call and another woman goes into labor right before me and opts to go to the large one. That is the only time I'd have to go, which is good.

We spoke about VBACs and honestly I think the Dr was trying to scare me. He kept telling me if I ruptured I could bleed to death in 5 minutes and stuff like that. He had looked at my chart and assumed I was going for a repeat C section because of my prior birth. My other Dr is a lot more supportive.

So now I have my doula urging me to labor at home as long as possible and my Doctor telling me to come to the hospital at the first sign of labor. I am thinking I will go in when my contractions get painful. I have a lot to think about.

Overall, a good appt. I am so looking forward to my u/s on Monday. Oh and we decided on complete names: Luke David or Rebecca Mary. So excited!

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