Friday, June 16, 2006

17 week update

I am now 17 weeks along and everything is going great. This has been a very smooth pregnancy (besides the morning sickness at the beginning). My only complaint is all the stomach aches I have been getting, especially after I eat. But all in all, I am feeling very good. This baby is very laid back and I can pretty much eat whatever I want besides sweets. I had the same aversion with Nathan though. This baby really likes "real" home cooking like meatloaf, chicken, veggies, potatoes, macaroni and cheese, etc. I am also craving various things dipped in hot sauce, and other dips such as queso and guacamole. This baby has diverse tastes (as long as it is not sweet!).

My ultrasound is in 10 days. I am so very excited!!! I hope this baby cooperates and I can tell boy or girl. I have some shopping to do if my little one is a girl. :) I have been doing a lot of research on carseats and such. I will start buying things soon so I don't have a lot of expenses at the end.

I am feeling baby 2 move more at night. He/she seems to like to be awake and active after 8pm. I can't wait to feel those real kicks soon!

Nathan is doing well. He is such a sweetheart. He is eating us out of house and home and I love it. He is so thoughtful and smart. I can't believe I am going to have two babies soon! If baby 2 is anything like his/her brother, I am a lucky mommy.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You ARE a lucky mommy! I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl :)