Friday, July 14, 2006

21 week update

This has been an exciting week! Mike just started being able to feel Luke kick. This baby doesn't seem to kick a whole lot though, but he squirms nonstop so it is a bit harder to find a good time for Mike to feel him.

Started getting a few aches and pains. My wrists and hands go numb at night (darn carpal tunnel) and I have been having some hip and lower back pain. Nothing horrible though.

I am going swimming tomorrow. I just love floating around in the pool when I am pregnant. The one time I can feel light, haha.

Going through the old baby clothes is really fun. I can't imagine having a baby that small again! I just love looking at the cute tiny outfits and imagining my new little boy in them.

I have gained 2lbs this week alone. Still negative 3 lbs from when I started though. Seems like I am finally catching up! I feel like I eat nonstop. Still tons of spicy food and fruit.

Nathan is doing well and talking a lot more. He is saying silly things like "ketchup" and insisting that Mike and I do everything with him together "Mama Dada Mama Dada!"

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Nathan update

Can't forget to update about my little Nathan. He was 21 months yesterday. Here are some new things that are going on with him:
*holding up his little biceps and flexxing so forcefully his little face shakes when I ask him to "show me your guns!"
*pretending to lift weights and making the same hisses and grunts that his daddy makes
*How dogs say "dog dog dog" and birds go "caw caw caw" like a crow instead of a sweet "tweet tweet"
*how much he loves playing with the hose and watering the flowers and "washing" his trucks
*his new obsession with his baby Einstein "On the Go" video with trains, trucks, boats, and planes
*how much he loved the fireworks and oohed and wowed and yayed at every boom
*how he gets out one shoe and places it in front of you as a hint he wants to leave the house
*his "OH MAN!!!!!" whenever something silly happens
*how soft his phone voice is....he says "hi" so quietly when I ask him to talk on the phone to someone

He really is the sweetest little guy. I know he is going to make a great big brother.

20 weeks!

I can't believe I am halfway through this pregnancy. It is going by so very fast. I am feeling great! Honestly besides the few weeks of all day "morning" sickness, I have felt wonderful. Little Luke is seemingly a pretty laid back guy. I feel him squirming in there but rarely does he give me big kicks. I only really get kicked when I pee. I think when I empty my bladder, he loses the comfy bean bag chair he was sitting in (like he was during his u/s). I pretty much am able to eat whatever I want without too much trouble. I do get cravings for Mexican and lemon flavored things a lot. I did tell off some teenagers working at the frozen custard place because they didn't have the lemon italian ices made--oops! I am still down 6 lbs but am eating well. Lots of salads with tons of red onion and fruit. I have had fun shopping for a few little baby things, but really we have so much already! All of Bradley and Nathan's baby clothes---all fall baby boys! Nathan got a new bedroom set (cargo bed and dresser) so all of his baby stuff can be handed down his baby brother. It is so exciting to set up the nursery again!