Monday, January 05, 2009

22ish weeks?

I lost count how many weeks I am, haha. But I am chugging along. Sam is doing great and moves nonstop. I actually see my belly jumping around now. I wonder if he will be a hyperactive baby, haha. No real cravings right now but I am eating a lot of grapefruit and salad, so that is good :)

Christmas was awesome but then we got the killer flu that wiped us out for a full week. Luke got hit the hardest and just tonight ate a meal for the first time in days. I have honestly never been THAT sick before, it was nuts. We were lifeless and useless for a while there.

The boys had a great Christmas. They got a lot of shared gifts this year because they like to play with the same things. "Guys" aka superhero figures and building blocks like legos and knex made up the majority of the presents. Nathan could spend hours making creations out of legos. Luke is addicted to playing "guys".

We got to see a lot of family in a few days and pigged out on great food. I went all out and made so many batches of cookies this year. I couldn't eat many because sweets are still an aversion for me. Stinks!

I am looking forward to us all being 100% again and getting out of this house! Being quarantined is noooooo fun.

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