Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Luke's 6 month checkup

Luke got his 6 month checkup today. He was 18lbs 6 oz and 26 inches. The Dr kept commenting that he was the "golden child" and how lucky I was. He said Luke was one of the most easy going sweet babies he's ever met. He didn't even make a peep when he got his shots! I love my little guy!

We started with some baby food recently. He gives me such a hassle! He spits out the food, smears it everywhere, and chews on the spoons, but doesn't really eat anything, haha. He is holding out for the real stuff! He is always begging for what I am eating. Soon enough, Lukey!

Luke is crawling everywhere now. He is such a little nut. He loves playing with Nathan's cars and books and ignores his baby toys. He is at that stage where he is much less interested in snuggling and just wants to play all day. He is a very content baby and can entertain himself playing on the floor for the longest time!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Don't you love to hear how great your kids are from someone else :)