Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Luke's 2 month appt

We had Luke's 2 month appt yesterday afternoon. He was 13lbs and 23in meaning he gained 3lbs and 1.5inches in the past month. Woohoo! The Dr said not to change his diet at all in the next two months. He seemed very happy I was exclusively breastfeeding.

Talked to the Dr about Luke's off and on congestion. Seems like one minute he sounds stuffy and the next he is fine. He gets stuffy when he gets upset or excited or if the heat is running too long. Poor guy. The Dr said he is fine and just use saline drops. It will probably get better when it gets warmer and when he gets older and starts breathing through his mouth more. Poor guy always sounds sniffy and snorty though. Plus he snores!

Luke got 4 shots yesterday. Mike came to the appt right after work and made it just in time to hold him for his shots. I have such a hard time with that! Luke fell asleep about 30 seconds after his shots, lol. I guess it took a lot out of him.

Anyway, the Dr was so happy with how strong and verbal he is. He cooed and chatted for a while with the Dr. and charmed all the nurses. He loves people!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You make amazing boys :)